Faster 3D Camera That Works Outdoors

Researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have developed a 3D camera that is inexpensive, produces high-quality images, and works in all...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Smartphones Still 'Too Expensive For Many' In India: BCG

Even as it expects Internet users in India to double to 400 million by 2018, BCG said prices of smartphones an important driver for net penetration...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Net Neutrality: "savetheinternet" E-Mail Campaign Hits 1 Million Mark

TRAI has set a deadline of April 24 for Netizens for the submission of their views as to on which side of Net Neutrality they stand. The date is...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

How To Use Twitter Better To Woo Clients

Businesses and organisations can utilise Twitter to increase their engagements with clients and stakeholders by streamlining the flow and content...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Youtube Attains New Milestone On 10th Birthday

The ‘popstar’ YouTube that actually made several popstars what they are today, including Justin Bieber and Zoella, has turned 10.

Net Neutrality: NASSCOM Calls for Level Playing Field for Startups

Advocating net neutrality and a level playing field for startups, the Indian IT industry's representative body NASSCOM proposed a synergistic model for Internet platforms, applications and telecom service providers.