Facebook Updates Can Reflect Your Personality Traits: Survey

People who post Facebook status updates about their romantic partner are likely to have low self-esteem, while those who brag about diets, exercise...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

New Superlens Can Show 'Invisible' Objects

A new hyperlens can help us see tiny objects that elude even the most powerful optical systems. Called a metamaterial hyperlens, the lens may...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Facebook Still Favourite With Most Global Brands: Study

Majority of global brands still prefer Facebook over other platforms, reveals a new study. Social media analytics provider Quintly, that studied...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

'A Beautiful Mind' Mathematician John Nash Dies In Taxi Crash

John Forbes Nash Jr., the Princeton University mathematician whose life inspired the film "A Beautiful Mind," and his wife died in a car crash,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Video Games Without Guzzling Gigabytes Soon

Gamers might one day be able to enjoy the same graphics-intensive fast-action video games they play on their mobile devices without guzzling gigabytes -- thanks to a new tool developed by U.S. researchers.

Major Tourist Places To Have Wi-Fi Facility

Indian Teenagers Use Google+ More Than Twitter: Survey

10 Android Apps That Are Missing In iPhone

As Google’s Android operating system is gaining more market share, the company is focusing more on the community and it is making the application programming interface (API) easily available on internet.