Want to Free Internet? Do Philanthropy: Mittal to Zuckerberg

At the same event here, UK-based telecom giant Vodafone's global CEO Vittorio Colao reportedly said about Facebook's free-of-cost internet plan that "it is almost like Zuckerberg does philanthropy, but with my money."

Mr Mittal cautioned that investments in mobile networks by industry will go down as Internet-based messaging and calling services are 'cannibalising' revenues of telecom firms.

"He is saying that make Internet.org lite version of Facebook free of data charge, so that people will upgrade. People will come to internet for the first time. The point is that it is self-serving for them," Mr Mittal said.

Telecom operators have been facing pressure on their financials from the emergence of a number of Over-The-Top firms like Facebook, Skype and Viber, which on their part claim to be helping telecom operators grow business.

"We are good for each other but they, regulators and politicians must understand that networks' investment must be on reasonable terms. Gone are the days when telecom companies were making large amounts of money," Mr Mittal said.

"OTT players must understand pains of the mobile industry. Sometimes we are seeing as gatekeeper, bad guys. The fact of matter is spectrum - there is cost, network there is cost and tariff has gone up by only 3 paise in last three years," he added.

In December, Airtel had announced separate charges for Internet based calling services but withdrew it after an outcry on social media.

"The rate that we announced was exactly the same rate as a voice call. If you do one minute VoIP in kilobyte terms it would be exactly the same as voice call.

It was exactly the same as one minute call," Mr Mittal said.

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Source: PTI