Apple And Google's Entry Haunting The Auto Makers?

BANGALORE: The automotive International Motor extravaganza that dawned on Switzerland was engulfed by the endless buzz of Apple Car which has clearly got executives in Geneva to exhale a sigh of worry, reports The Economic Times

This only proves the extent at which the Silicon Valley has been closely watching the automobile industries. It is not surprising that elite companies like Apple apple and google venturesand Google are trying to get a slice of the prosperity pie from one of the most lively industry congregation in years.

Reports have shown signs that the industry is now rising up and dusting the clod off as the passenger car sales are going well in the European Union with a boost for 17 consecutive months. The beauty of which is credited to the drop in gasoline price along with the fall of euro against other chief currencies making it comparatively easier for European manufacturers to match their strengths with foreign markets.


Nonetheless there is evident tension between automakers as the car industry could be the next quest for the Silicon Valley. Apple and Google are using their supreme influence in their respected dominions for the invasion of car dashboards alongside carmakers' proprietary systems. It isn’t hard to foretell that the future will result in the rise their upstarts or other newbie’s in the industries manufacturing entirely new vehicles. 

Zetsche and several auto executives express their disapproval as state the colossal difference in building a smartphone and a car. Cars take over seven years for manufacturing and release in the market while the smartphone company takes a merger 18 months to come out with a new device. The extensive engineering and specialization to design a car in terms of outlook and safety is poles apart in comparison to a Smartphone.

READ MORE: Is Your Smartphone Turning You Into A Nutcase?

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