Top 5 Reasons Why Internet.Org Is Against The Free Web

Discrimination in terms of price of access

While services, websites and apps can get on to the initiative for free, if they so choose,  it is very likely that there will be  limited number of slots. The websites on the project will buffer at the same speed, those not on it may have slower loading times. This is discriminatory and puts services that are not part of the initiative at a disadvantage. Consumers who want services that do not get onto will have to pay for them, and this policy will give their free competitors a massive advantage.

Facebook and Telcos decide what consumers have access to

Internet .org puts Facebook, as well as many  telecom service providers that provide the service in total control of what consumers can access. They will be able to reject services that compete with them, and don’t follow their terms and conditions. This kind of collusion goes against the spirit of an open and democratic internet and essentially makes the two enterprises, ISP’s and Facebook, into a big brother organization.

For example, web services and sites that provide free voice calling or feature high-resolution images can be banned if the two entities so wish. Also, Facebook and Telcos will be aware of everything you’re accessing on the internet.

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