Top 5 Reasons Why Internet.Org Is Against The Free Web

Online shopping and banking will be more insecure

Online Banking and E-commerce are the most ubiquitous business models today, and revolutionized the old ways of doing business that existed before the advent of the internet. This was possible once the internet was established as a safe medium for exchange.

 However, does not support standard security protocols like https and encrypted content. This means that users cannot perform banking or shopping online, without revealing sensitive financial details. Internet security needs to be maintained for a uniform online experience.

None of the most important services are offered

The terms and conditions of are highly restrictive. Among the things they ban- apps, websites, services and programs offering voice calling. Hi-res images and file transferring capabilities. smartphones  are soon going to have all of these features, and will be able to execute them at a speed comparable to fiber-optic Ethernet connections.

 Most device makers like (Samsung, Nokia and Xiaomi) are eagerly pushing new and higher performing smartphones into the market, at increasingly cheap prices. These are a better way to get people onto the internet. If telecom companies and Facebook want to improve access, they would serve people better by offering them a free data allowance of 100 MB each month, to do whatever they wish with it.

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