Top 5 Reasons Why Internet.Org Is Against The Free Web

BANGALORE: Mark Zuckerberg recently clarified his intentions for his non-profit organization, The platform doesn’t charge a fee to developers, and all internet websites are allowed to participate. Nevertheless, a  number of organizations have withdrawn from the initiative because of conflicts with net neutrality, which is an important  concern for consumers.

Zuckerbeg defended the program, saying that plans to bring people online can co-exist with principles of net neutrality. However, this is a hollow statement, as many aspects of the scheme are in flagrant violation of net neutrality. has compiled a list of the ways in which neutrality is compromised:

Doesn’t treat all internet-based websites and services equally

While Facebook claims that is open to all developers, the fact is that to participate in the service, you need to join the organization. This means that many websites that are part of the internet will be cut off from the next batch of users to go online.  This has the potential to drastically change the innovation of the internet landscape, tipping it in favour of only established business players.

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