Companies That Bagged In The Most Patents Last Year

Qualcomm#No. 7 Qualcomm

At number 7, Qualcomm with groundbreaking contribution towards growing Smartphones and other Smart techs, are with 2,590 patents which is a very thin difference with Google’s patents. However, Qualcomm’s figure represents a 23 percent increase in patents from the year before. The company was able to invent a method where a master device could configure with an object device simply by pointing it and in the right direction.

#No. 6 Toshiba

Once again with a slight bigger number of patents from the previous contender in the list Toshiba attains 6th spot in our count down with 2,608 patents. Toshiba’s patents are really varied, arraying from a biodiversity evaluation chart to semiconductor devices.

#No. 5 Microsoft

With Satya Nadella at the top, Microsoft has landed at the middle in our patents’ race with 2,829 patents. And counting, since, they were announced that, they got a patent for a ‘silent mode” for their Smartphones; that are to be used in movie theaters, on dates or any other situation that calls for such a mode.

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