4 Technologies That Will Drive the Future of India

As we have entered 2020, an entire generation is depending on the primary digital world comprising computers, smartphones, social networking and more. At every key touchpoint in our life, we are exposed to technology in one way or the other. At this point, it will be futile to predict technology trends that can impact beyond the immediate horizon, as every innovation leads to new opportunities in the real world. Here's a look at the four technologies that will drive the innovations in the next years.
3D Printing
Even though it is in the early stages of innovation, it has a strong potential to completely change the way businesses are done. 3D printers are expected to dominate the revenue picture by 2025 with 38.9 per cent CAGR from 2020. The design and the engineering for 3D printing will expand beyond traditional 2D CAD technologies. Besides, the combination of AI, IoT and virtual twin technologies can accelerate the 3D printing market growth.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Every innovator has huge expectations from the IoT devices as it can connect with every possible device in the world digitally, and thereby putting them in the user’s control. With the huge advent of smartphones and wearables, every device in a person’s world can bring all of them together with just one click, which would truly drive the home revolution.
Communication and Collaboration
Ever since the early evolution process, communication has been the most important need of humans. The tools made for collaborations are connecting people from across the world, which increases the demand for sharing content such as photos, videos, audio clips and more. The technology around the internet will see a lot of innovation in the future, which will also speed up collaboration.
Access Control and Data Security
As digitalization innovations make way for the technology, the innovations will increase transparency, connectivity and data sharing in a boundary-less manner. Thus, the need for data access security and privacy will increase extensively. The old way of managing data will not work in the digital world, and data security is one of the most sensitive topics in the world right now as there several cases of data breaches reporting from all over the world.
As technology is completely changing the face of the world in every aspect, it is necessary to know the ongoing trends that can totally change the current environment. Entrepreneurs are monitoring every scenario i.e. the changes, also the cons that can happen to slowly implement them in their business to reach the goals.
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