10 New Technologies That Will Change The World In 2015

5. Additive manufacturing (3D Printing)

3D printing is the technology which renders accurate, infinitely customizable products from raw material and a digital blueprint. Additive manufacturing, as 3D printing is also known, is set to grow because it can render mass produced items designed to a customer’s specifications. For example, the company Invisalign uses digital scans of customer’s teeth to produce almost invisible braces. The council speculates that the technology will really take off once it starts to print integrated electronic components like circuit boards.

6. Emergent artificial intelligence

Emergent Artificial Intelligence, unlike regular software and hardware can perform highly complex functions, like medical diagnosis and treatment without human error. Emergent AI is the field of how computers can learn about the world by assimilating and interpreting vast quantities of information. IBM’s Watson computer is already being put to this use.

7. Distributed manufacturing


Distributed manufacturing refers to the strategy of replacing the material supply chain with digital templates. For example, instead of getting wood and assembling wood at one central factory, digital plans for cutting can be sent to local manufacturing facilities, that cut using specialized tools and distribute to customers who can then assemble at home. The cloud based platforms that track the materials’ status also comes under the distributed manufacturing banner, and will experience growth, according to the council

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