10 New Technologies That Will Change The World In 2015

8. ‘Sense and avoid’ drones

 ‘Sense and Avoid drones’ will be useful for humans in both peaceful endeavors and especially during warfare. This technology will enable ordinary robotic drones to be more precise and helpful, in both active tasks like delivering emergency supplies from the sky, and passive tasks like gathering information about pollution levels.

9. Neuromorphic technology

Neuromorphic technology is widely considered to be the next stage in machine learning. IBM’S million neuron TrueNorth chip rivals in human cortex in processing power and is hundred times more powerful than a conventional CPU. The challenge ahead will be in creating software that will realize the chip’s potential, something which IBM is working on.

10. Digital genome

Digital genomes will be a great means of gaining insight into the least understood diseases of today. Cancer, for example, is best understood as a disease of the genome. Once a patient’s genome is digitized doctors will be able to make adjustments to treatments based on how the patient’s genome responds to it.

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