10 New Technologies That Will Change The World In 2015

2. Next -generation robotics

At the moment, robots are mostly used in manufacturing facilities for automating the most mundane and easily programmable tasks. The next generation of robots however, will be able to respond to their changing environment in much the same way as a human being. Thus, robots will be used for processes that are dangerous for the humans currently performing them, like checking electrical wires, or rescuing people after an earthquake. A study showed that robots can also be used for agricultural tasks like harvesting.

3. Recyclable thermoset plastics

At present, thermoset plastics (like Tupperware) are durable and made out of polymers that can be heated and set into shape for one time use. However, this makes them difficult to recycle (like with mineral water bottles) as their chemical structure changes after heating. However, the technology in producing recyclable thermoset plastics is gaining ground. The council expects recyclables to be present tin all freshly produced commodities by 2025.

4. Precise genetic engineering techniques

Genetic engineering of food crops is a controversial issue, but has many benefits, such as reducing the use of pesticides and making food immune to certain environmental stressors like flood or droughts. It works by changing the RNA interface, which strengthens it against pathogens. The biggest problems faced by genetic engineering are ethical issues of testing and transparency. This technology is a top ten pick because it can eliminate waste and increase harvests.

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