10 Gmail Labs Features That You Must Try Now

# Unread message icon

You are aware of the notifications on other sites like Facebook, whatsApp and others whenever you have a unread messages but Gmail didn’t have any.

But recently unread message icon has been made available in Gmail Labs recently that makes you aware of the number of unread messages you have in your Gmail.

The new feature shows the number of unread messages you have in your mail right into the Gmail icon itself and you need not always keep opening your inbox to check the number of mails you got.

# Send & archive

Your inbox is cluttered with thousands of mails and you can’t delete them as they are an important lot. Thus Gmail labs has introduced a new feature, send and archive to help clean up your inbox and keep it less cluttered clean and help you for an easy and smooth accessibility.

Archiving removes messages from your inbox, but it keeps them in your account so that you can always find them later whenever you need them. With this new introduced feature you don’t need to archive the mails one by one, but you can do these two things at once.

Turn on "Send & Archive" from the Labs tab under Settings, and you'll see a new button in the compose form. The button does what it says: it sends your reply and then archive it just with one click.

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