10 Lesser Known Facts About the Internet

MailHow Fast was the Fastest First Login?

Do you remember the time it takes for you to login to your E-mail accounts? It barely takes a second or two. And do you know the world record for the fastest time to log into a Gmail? It was just 1.16 seconds.

Marriages OnlineInternet—For successful matrimony

Did you know that 19 percent married couples met online? This is a proven platform for successful married life. There are many such successful marriages where the guy and a girl meet online and took the big step. So yes you have another option here online to find ‘the one’.

Biggest Search Engine

There are billions of people on this Earth and most of them access the internet to learn more on a daily basis. Therefore the internet witnesses one billion ‘new’ Google searches each day. Knowledge is unfathomable and so is the search. And there are six billion Google searches daily. There are other search engines apart from Google which also contribute to this big number.

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