10 Lesser Known Facts About the Internet

Internet SlangThe Internet Language:

The English language has had its rebirth after the internet came in. The way we greet one another, the way we express our emotions, all have changed. It has both good and bad sides to it. However we would like to take everything positive. Fun fact is the ‘LOL’ before the internet came in, meant ‘Lots of Love’ which is nothing close to what it means today.

Facebook UsersNumber of Facebook Profiles:

Based on the data retrieved from third quarter of 2014, the number of Facebook users has surpassed 1 billion. And Facebook has over 1.35 billion active users. Another interesting fact is that more than 2.5 billion pictures are being posted on Facebook every day. And, more than 350 million users update their status each day. This is how engaging this social media platform has become. Facebook engages more people than any greatest revolution in the world so far.

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