10 Lesser Known Facts About the Internet

Swedish PeopleWhich country makes the most out of internet?

This is probably the line you’d type to find which country uses the internet most. Well, the answer is Sweden. It is the Swedish who make the most use of internet. With 75 percent of the country’s population using the internet, which amounts to the largest percentage of internet users. Perhaps the Swedish have a lot of questions to ask.

Internet V/s TVInternet V/s the Television:

The invention of a TV was revolutionary but its impact on people was not as rapid as the impact of the internet was. It took TV 13 years to do what the internet has done in five years. The internet accrued 50 million users in five years, and the TV took 13 years to do that.  Of course by the time the internet came into place, people were more welcoming and open to innovations than they were during the advent of TV.

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