Ten Ways To Succeed In The Digital Landscape

Be social: Social is fresh air, the main sieve of all things digital- internet banking to the ubiquitous buy buttons on all social networks and every blog. Navigate social networks both personal and professional to find out who interacts with whom and target your messages accordingly.

Be the futurist: It’s always easier to predict and plan for the short term future than the long haul. But keep an eye to the future to secure your place in it. Identify the offbeat ideas and approaches that are not working today, and try to imagine what a world run by them might look like. If you can do that, you have a better chance of adapting your career as the times change.

Be in control: Own as much of your brand as you can. Whether it’s the reputation of a single person, a collection of articles, or an app or platform; be in control of your brand. Understand how your brand perceived and be in touch with everyone and everything associated with it.

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