Ten Amazing facts about Twitter That Will Blow Your Mind

BENGALURU: Twitter can be safely called as the next generation CNN with its didactical approach to shape the upcoming media landscape. The direct-instantaneous approach of tweeting slashes the use of trivial journalism. The micro-blogging website is one of the worlds widely used social platform, allowing user to share their views and ideas. The news circulated on twitter can be re-tweeted from one person to another, thereby making it accessible to the masses in the quickest possible way.

The 140 characters short messaging platform, Twitter has completed its successful run of 10 years, which started with the first tweet by the founder Jack Dorsey itself. But that was just the beginning, what followed next can be expressed as something epic with millions of tweets being tweeted across the website regularly.

Here are the 10 amazing lesser known facts about twitter that defined twitter of what it is today.

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