SpaceX Postpones Rocket Recovery Launch Again

A similar attempt in January ended in a spectacular explosion, which the company's chief executive, Elon Musk, euphemistically dubbed a "rapid unscheduled disassembly".

The $340 million DSCOVR project began as a pet project of the then US vice-president Al Gore, but was put on hold in the early 2000s as a result of setbacks at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under then US President George W. Bush.

When launched, the satellite will take photos and monitor the amount of energy radiating from the Earth's surface -- a sign of whether carbon emissions trap energy.

The Falcon 9 rocket taking DSCOVR into deep space, about four times farther from the Earth than the moon, is integral to the company's aims. After releasing the satellite into space, the rocket will return to Earth several hours later.

Ahead of Tuesday's cancelled attempt, Musk tweeted that given the distance of the mission, "rocket re-entry will be much tougher this time around" because of almost twice the amount of force and four times the heat involved in re-entry.

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Source: IANS