Mobile Apps: Simplifying School Administration and Addressing Safety Concerns

Proffering Rich Learning Experiences

The key to motivate students towards better learning is to make their study materials more interesting and user-friendly. This can be effectively achieved by incorporating apps into their online studying experience.

For example, GoodReader, an iPad compatible application enables students’ access to large files with great ease. Besides being read, the files could be modified using text boxes, drawing, and sticky notes. All along, the files can be organized in folders according to the student’s preference and synced with Dropbox, or SkyDrive.

The other applications promulgating the online learning experiences include Ignitor, Zotpad, Dragon Dictation and Wolfram Alpha.

Promoting Parent-Teacher Engagement:

Adding an array of meaningful experience to both parents and teachers, a Bengaluru-based app company Educhat promulgates creation of a secured online community for teachers, parents and students to interact and stay connected. In other worlds, it imitates the Watsapp model for schools.

“Sometimes parents have to wait for an entire day to meet institution heads. Our app mitigates this problem of communication between parents and schools and thus offers direct access to both principal and teachers," said Chander Prakash Garg, developer, Educhat.

While the free of cost model has already been utilized by 4200 schools, the company also envisions scaling up their service by selling students customized higher education solutions if they optionally want to take that up. 

The other apps also include Remind, Buzzmob, and Edmodo.

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