Invasion Of The Tech Era: Here's What We'll Leave Behind

# The Book

Libraries and their Books on shelves are soon becoming the store houses for collecting dust. No more do we engage in physicality when it comes to booktechnology. The smell of an old book, the fresh crisp pages of a new one or even the feel of having a book in our hands over a stretch of time all seems too distant.

Online version is indeed mobile, easy to attain and inexpensive. However books will be books, they who had played a prominent role as a tutor and a faithful friend, will be missed dearly.

# The Land Line Telephone  

Landline phones now rest aside and are merely a piece to showcase at home. Large family probably uses the landline from time to time but it is clear that with the coming of the new age, it is one among those victimized to lose its significance.

 Most people just keep it around simply because they have always had it. However it seems impractical to pay double charges for that extra service when one already owns a cellular phone. Perhaps all cell phone companies offer their services with no charge against your minutes if you call a customer with the same cell provider these days.


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