Install Windows10 Technical Preview In 6 Simple Steps

Bangalore: The much-awaited Windows 10 has finally showed up, still in its early stage as Beta, Microsoft’s Windows 10 is ready to be downloaded in the form of its Technical Preview. Eager to explore the new OS, you can install Windows 10 is easy steps as compiled by CNET. So, let’s get started.

Step 1: Download the Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO file. You will have to navigate the bit pages saying "Get Started" and "Join Now" screens. When you finally reach the download page, scroll down, and choose the appropriate language and version; 32-or 64-bit, according to your requirement.

Step 2: Download and install Oracle VM Virtual Box, it’s the free virtualization tool that helps you to run Windows 10 inside the devices.

Step 3: Run Virtual Box, and click the new icon. In the Create Virtual Machine dialog box, type "Windows 10," then click the version selector and choose Windows 8.1 (making sure to match the ISO you downloaded: 32- or 64-bit). Then click next.

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