Industry Voice: Growth Which Impacts Business Data Security In 2015

#Big data innovation

This year Business is predicted to make bold ventures with innovative data. They are expected to make the most out of the data they hold, by means of analytics to obtain superior business insights and schemes like the NHS care.

On the other hand, with the growing number of data breach stories in the press, many organizations are hesitant to take on innovative data schemes for fear of data leak.For many, it is a high risk if things go the wrong way: reputation, the danger of heavy fines from the ICO and public objection that could deter the progress made.

It is anticipated that that this year innovation could be curbed by data leak doubts. In hopes of avoiding this, organizations should ensure their data security at the beginning of the project as well as guarantee that it is integrated throughout its period.

# (Even) more mobile

The fad for Mobile devices over the last couple of years doesn’t seem to be losing its charm anywhere in the near future. Be it an employee-owned (BYOD), corporately owned or personally enabled (COPE) device, the expansion in the demand for these devices amplifies a correlated boost in the MOBILE DEVICESendpoints for all possible security vulnerabilities.

It is vital that security solution remains as the prime priority over production in device types, form factors and operating systems. This helps firms to take an employee rather than have a concrete device-centric approach to data security and device management.


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