How Facebook and Twitter Make Money

BANGALORE: Web advertising through social media like Facebook and Twitter is a market that's growing at a shocking rate. Advertising methodology is extremely important to these companies’ revenue growth. Here is a list of ways that Facebook and Twitter make money, as compiled by Matt Kapko, CIO.

#1.Facebook Ad Placements: Mobile, Desktop, Right Column

Facebook took the expansion in ad space extremely important and successful. There is plenty of different ad formats offered where you can create and publish all types of ads. The ads are delivered all across Facebook and some formats are eligible to show in  Facebook and they are rising in fame as Facebook's ad business grows. Facebook's advertising guide is designed to help brands determine the format that works best for them, be it mobile news feeds, desktop news feeds, or right-column ads. Particularly, Facebook’s mobile efforts  accomplish a remarkable outcome.

#2.Facebook Objectives: Clicks, Conversions, and Post Engagement

Everyone has a reason for advertising. Facebook has eight objectives, out of which Page Post Engagement, Clicks to Website, and Website Conversions are available to brands that want to advertise on Facebook. Page Post engagement promotes a page post. It pursues the different variety of social engagement that Facebook offers, such as page likes, video views, and comments. For website clicks, Facebook will optimize your ads for the most clicks possible. For website conversions, if conversions are your goal, you have one of two different ways of pursuing conversions. 

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