Google I/O Reveals Android M With 6 New Features

BANGALORE: Android M is the latest launch from Google I/O developer conference of this year. The new version of Android will be available for developers and it will be publicised in later days of this year, reports Tech2.

According to Sundar Pichai, the new operating system from Google is majorly focused at the improvement of stability and usability of the platform. Hence there won’t be any major changes in the looks of the user interface for Android M.

Google is using the same old strategy that was implement on releasing Android L to the market. However, it is still unclear of codename to Android M and this preview version will be available for Google Nexus 5, 6, 9 and Nexus Player.

Another lead from Google I/O is the vice president of engineering at Google, David Burke, said Google has planned to integrate Android M to support new Smartphones from every manufacturer. According to him Android M has made 6 big changes in the OS and they are:

App Permissions

Current Android users usually complain about apps that are interfering privacy. Most of the apps have the access to almost every part of our device’s hardware be it microphone or camera. We have allow this sort of options in order to enjoy unrestricted usage of the apps. On the other hand we have that insecure feeling from the being app being a spy.

The new feature in Android M will let the users manually toggle the permission for apps to access certain things which can be a threat its users’ privacy such as microphone, location, camera, contacts and so on. In the preview version of Android M, this particular function allows the user to stop the access of apps invade their privacy but the apps are not functional if the user rejects certain permission. This is because apps are not updated according to this feature yet.

Although, this permission feature will not be applicable to legacy apps, whereas only Android M SDK apps can be treated under this feature.

Web Experience: Custom Chrome Tabs

The future web experience will change when a user tries to open any web link from any app which leads to the chrome or web browser. It will be different in the new edition of Android, when a user tries to open any web link from the app it won’t jump to web browser. Instead, chrome pops up inside the app with the disguised skin of the app itself and it seems like user never left the app he was working on.

This feature is called Custom Chrome Tab, its prime goal is to make the user’s web experience to go smooth and undistorted. The popped up web pages will be saved in the Chrome web browser for later reference.

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