Glimpse of Six Advanced Research Projects of Chinese Technology

Long March 5 Rocket 

Long March 5 rocket, the next-generation heavy lift set up system located at Wenchang Satellite Launch Centre in Hainan Island. The launching is scheduled to the end of this year. When compared to the capabilities of American EELV sized vehicles such as the Delta IV Heavy, Long March 5 rocket is roughly matched with that. It has a maximum payload capacity of 25 tonnes and will be the biggest heavy-lift rocket that China has built ever. The major goal for the CZ-5 rocket was to fulfill China's requirement for large payload to GTO and LEO missions for the next 20–30 years. It will play a crucial role in the construction of China’s first space station around 2020 by delivering large components to the lower Earth orbit.

As the country undergoes a tremendous switch in leadership later this year, by successful completion of these mission, from a political view, could help bring back the Chinese people’s faith in the government.

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