Facts From Personal To Business: On Eve Of Facebooks 11 Th Anniversary

# Iceland Turned To Facebook To Rewrite Constitution

It also has in it the power to change constituencies and their rules, in June 2011. Iceland a thinly populated city made changes to its constitution based on the postings done on Facebook and twitter.

# The CEO Shortcut

Do you know that you can look into its co-founder Mark Zuckerburg’s home page. All you have to do here is, type in 4 after the Facebook url like “ www.facebook.com/4”. This little setup ends you on his homepage which you can go through.

# Owns ‘Like Button Sucks’

Founder and Critcizer, yes Facebook owns some domain names which say ‘I hate Facebook credits’, ‘I hate the Facebook Like button’ and ‘Like button sucks’. Such are its ways unwary of criticism focused only on business.

# Facebook User Base Includes Over 70 Percent Internet Users

71 Percent internet users are there to use Facebook alone is what the reports depict, checking in their status, likes or comments or to chat with friends online. This is what people are in for also as a base for social interaction Facebook has made its name most popular.

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