Facts From Personal To Business: On Eve Of Facebooks 11 Th Anniversary

# First Investment

Peter Thiel, Facebook's first big investor, has sold off most of his stake, turning his initial $500,000 investment into more than $1 billion in cash.

This specifies what Facebook had done for  people who expressed confidence in its market and to become the first investor in the company.

# Spurned Google, Accepted Microsoft Offer

Google was shunned as to Microsoft who acquired 1.6 percent of Facebook shares back in 2007. In a competing bid between Microsoft and Google, the Windows giant was souped with $240 million.

Eric Schmidt of Google later admitted to the fact of Facebook looking past them during the bid and yearned to Microsoft.

# Made Unsuccessful Bid For Snapchat

Facebook made a bid in November 2011 to usurp Snap Chat offering an amount of $3 billion, but the bid was rejected by the company. Facebook is known to have bought in Whatsapp at 19 billion, on February 2014, oculus VR for $2 billion in March 2014 and also Instagram at $1 billion in April 2012.

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