Domineering Ladies Of The Tech World

# Padmashree Warrior

In 2014, Padmashree Warrior was listed at 71st position in the list of most powerful women around the globe and is a versatile personality in technological field who received an alumni award from IIT Delhi.

Warrior was one of the women to be CTO for two companies successively after leaving the other. She is well known for her development and corporate strategies which she implemented to drain out profits from limited resources.

# Sophie Vandebroek

Chief Technology Officer and president of Xerox innovation group, Sophie Vandebroek served up the order in this company. Sophie was the facial front for leadership in developing document systems.

She had her master's degree in electro-mechanical engineering from KU Leuve and her Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

She is an IEEE fellow and a member of Royal Flemish Academy for Arts and Sciences.

# Mary Lou Jepsen

Google X, the dot com giant’s secret innovation project which is to come up with devices, the world has never thought in real. Mary heads the display division, as she is an expert at devising cutting edge display prototypes and their implementation.

According to reports, she is creating a Google LEGO TV which comprises of small blocks of display that provide seamless image and live blocks.

She studied Studio Arts and Electronic Engineering at Brown University and her PhD work is wholly after couple waved analysis to revolutionize display technology. Her models of display arrangements were adopted worldwide.

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