Domineering Ladies Of The Tech World

# Arati Prabhakar

An American engineer and also the head of the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Arati Prabhakar was the first women to head National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

An Indian by birth who later migrated to U.S., after her Ph.D she earned a fellowship with the office of technology assistant where Prabhakar  worked for two years and later went on to work in DARPA.

Her devoted work nature and her ideology named her the Texas Tech Distinguished Engineer and a Distinguished Alumna of California Institute of Technology, was named IEEE fellow in 1997.

# Katherine Johnson

Katherine was an Afro-American physicist, space scientist and mathematician who is known for calculating the trajectories of early space shuttles.  

Katherine has a mania of counting everything since her early childhood either it be steps or pencils or anything, was known for her accuracy at recording trajectories which helped in America’s aeronautics and space programs.

“She Was a Computer When Computers Wore Skirts” this sentence explains all about her class.

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