Blogmint Launches Blogistan-The Country of Bloggers

NEW DELHI: Blogmint, India’s 1st Influencer Marketing Platform that connects brands with bloggers, vloggers and micro-bloggers has yet again revolutionized the Indian Blogosphere with the launch of its latest campaign, Blogistan- The Country of Bloggers.

Blogistan, which is a virtual country for bloggers, is a step to unify the entire blogging community in India, which is currently scattered. With the launch of Blogistan, Blogmint has given a platform to every blogger to be part of their own democratic country. They are currently in the process of selecting their representatives for the lower and upper house that will be represented by top and aspirational bloggers across India respectively. The underlying ideology of Blogistan will always remain “Of The Bloggers, By The Bloggers, For the Bloggers”.

With influencer marketing being the fastest growing channel for digital customer acquisition, brands both big and small are exploring ways to collaborate with social influencers. However, there is no platform / forum that helps influencers safeguard their rights. “This is the void that Blogistan, The Country of Bloggers, aims to fill in the near future” said Irfan Khan, CEO, Blogmint.

“We are glad that within a short span of Blogmint’s establishment, we have created a strong impact in unifying the social influencer community in India and Blogistan is a perfect extension to it. I am optimistic that Blogistan will help empower the social influencers community in the India” added Irfan

Renowned Blogger Harsh Agarwal of ShoutMeLoud said “I am extremely excited with the launch of Blogistan. A platform like Blogistan will help the community to come together and also unearth the hidden blogging talent in India."

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