Now Google to Act as Artificial Intelligence for Gmail

BENGALURU: Smart tech has become very popular nowadays, because it lets people to get interacted more quickly and efficiently with their work. Today, Google acts as an artificial intelligence by the name ‘Smart Reply’, as it scans the contents of messages in Gmail Inbox, according to

Smart Reply, uses an approach to convert the words and sentences from the email into mathematical entities called ‘vectors’ that lets it understand and reason behind the content of the message. It then figures out what some appropriate responses might be. This system is emblematic of the way large technology companies are trying to use Artificial Intelligence to do easy-to-automate tasks that people otherwise do manually.

This technology uses similar AI technology, which recently rolled out in the Mountain View, California-based company's main Google search engine, via a system named RankBrain. The Smart Reply is an Inbox email service, it scans the contents of messages, pick three of a possible 20,000 common responses and suggest them to you.

Here a consumer will be more likely to use a company's particular software, if they know they can accomplish tasks in a shorter amount of time. This can only be achieved as Google has been one of the biggest corporate sponsors of AI, and has invested heavily in it for videos, speech, translation and search.

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