Android M: What Could 'M' Stand For?

BENGALURU: It’s that time of the year, when Internet giant, Google, releases most-awaited updates for people to use. The company’s biggest conference, GoogleIO 2015, is on its way and will take place on May 28 and 29, reports FirstPost.

Every year, Google releases new nexus products and software upgrades at GoogleIO. This year, the hype is about the new version of Android operating system. Android M may be unveiled at the conference and the technology community is already guessing what “M” in Android M could stand for.

GoogleIO 2015 has one session called “Android for Work Update”, which says “Android M is bringing the power of Android to all kinds of workplaces.” However, Google has pulled out the information now, according to ArsTechnica.

There is no official information released from the company itself, however, “M” may mean Muffin, Mud pie, and Meringue. According to the release lifecycle of Android OS, it can be understood that Google will definitely unveil its new Android at IO.

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