Solar Impulse 2: Flying Around The World In 5 Months

BANGALORE: Miracles happen so less and in a matter of seconds, so they say you should believe in them without actually witnessing it. But not this time as travelling around the world using solar energy as fuel, is not less than a miracle. A scientific marvel which made a heady imagination come true, meet Solar Impulse 2 (as it is known) when it arrives in your city or while its trepid travel over the world.

The story behind the invention starts from two names Swiss psychiatrist and aeronaut Bertrand Piccard, and André Borschberg, a businessman and a pilot. This duo invested their time and money to finally develop a machine that runs solely on solar power.

This privately financed project is the first aircraft bearing Swiss registration HB-SIA that is solar impulse 1, which was the model’s first make and prototype. The first flight test was conducted in December 2009, making a flight of an entire diurnal solar cycle including nearly nine hours of night flying.

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