Solar Impulse 2: Flying Around The World In 5 Months

With the experience from the previous flight operations the Solar Impulse 2 is launched to fly around the world using only solar power from Abu Dhabi. Piloted by Borschberg the flight took off from Al-Bateen airport and headed to Muscat, the capital of Oman where it will land after completing its final leg of epic journey.

Over a span of five months it will complete its journey making 12 stops with a flight time of around 25 days. On its way it will cross the Arabian sea to reach India landing at Ahmedabad, after which it will head on its journey to Myanmar, China, Hawaii and New York.

The 12 stops it makes also marks landings in United States and either southern Europe or North Africa, depending on weather conditions.

The flight can drive on auto-pilot during rest breaks and both Borschberg and Piccard will take alternate turns at flying it as it can space only a single person.

The longest flight capacity will see a pilot flying non-stop for five days across the Pacific Ocean between Nanjing, China and Hawaii, a distance of 8,500 kilometers.

This breakthrough in technology took 13 years of research to the completion of which Borschberg said, 'This project is a human project, it is a human challenge’.

To test this flight ride around the world the pilots undergone intensive training in preparation for the trip this includes yoga and self hypnosis.

This training allows them to sleep for a short nap of 20 minutes but wake up feeling refreshed.

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