8 Reasons To Ditch The iPhone For Android

# Charging

Here’s another interesting factor that most of us found convenient — charging our phones with a different Micro USB cables, which means any USB Charging Android phones cable will do the job. Whereas the iPhone needs the proprietary lightning connector cables to charge up and can’t be connected with normal Micro USB cables.

# Remote Controllers

A handful of Android phones these days come with the infrared blasters on top of the phones. The infrared blasters on the phone enable the users to use it as remote controllers for TVs, DVD players and many more devices. On the contrary, the iPhones do not come with any infrared blasters.

# Availablity in Multiple Price Points

Android offers an ample variety of devices for any budget. You will get it from 3000 to 45,000. But the stunning Apple’s products are in stark contrast to the Androids. Comparatively, it is much easier to afford an Android with a true Smartphone experience than the iPhone and iPad which are too expensive for the mainstream.

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