8 Reasons To Ditch The iPhone For Android

# Removable Batteries

As the phone gets old, battery life starts depleting too, but this never was an issue with the Removable battery feature based phones much before the Smartphone regime stepped in. This is not an issue now either on the majority of Android phones these days, but on the Apple phones the battery can’t be removed that easily.

So, replacing an iPhone’s battery is ruled out as it is tedious process giving the Android phones much more leverage here.

# Music

This is one common factor which the users of Android have found it easy and not on the iPhone. The Apple and iOS 8 requires iTunes if you need to load up your iPhone with songs and moreover you need iPhoto if you have to get your photos onto a computer.

The Android allows you even download pirated content and plays most of audio clip formats whereas the iPhone doesn’t let you do that and works with some specific audio formats.

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