8 Most Awaited Tech Innovations in 2016
Smart Lens
We are well aware of Google Glass that debuted a year ago but it did not find its way to glory, as it lacked usability. Many thought Google Glass was not designed well hence it failed to become big, but what we learnt is that we loved the idea of Smart Lens.
Rumor has it that the search giant is working on a next iteration of Google Glass, there were other reports which indicated that there won’t be a second generation Google Glass. Microsoft on the other hand, unveiled their Smart Lens in a form of HoloLens – This lens functions much like the virtual reality headset but it has its own benefits that sets this lens to a new height.
Sixth Sense
Sixth Sense is another way of interacting with the Smart gadgets and it was first brought under the light in the TED talks show. The Sixth Sense is a projected display that can be controlled by simple gestures, the similar technology that we are very fond from the movie Ironman.
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