5 Budding Architecture Jobs Created By Technology

BANGALORE: It’s a known fact that the cycle of change is ever prominent in the hands of technology, with the old jobs laid to rest, the space is opened for newer job profiles to seize the stand. A few tears may perhaps be shed in loss of these departed old classic jobs, but one can’t help exhale a sigh of relief for a more convenient and efficient job environment. However, those affected are certainly bound to feel the heat as time unravels the future, reports Archipreneur.

The coming of automation and newer technologies is likely to exile Blue-collar workers; this includes plasterers, painters, brick masons and carpenters. As cited by several studies, computerization might just endanger middle-skilled positions that involve day to day tasks. “Job polarization” is depicted as the reduction in employment opportunities when it pertains to jobs dealing with moderate level of skills particularly when compared to high-skilled workers and those that harbor below.

Here are five comparatively newer job titles marked widely on job boards around architecture-related platforms and websites:

BIM Specialist

With the preface of virtual building solutions in the 1980s as well as the appearance of 3D representation, the industry felt the need to adapt to its design processes and integrate building information technology for cost estimation, decision making and production of construction documents. The job profile for a BIM Specialist brings in several areas of expertise; this includes consulting, modeling and software to researching, developing applications and management positions. In attaining this position the general requirement is certification of certain specific software’s as well experience in project tracking and organizing.

Digital Making Technologist

Behemoth architectural firms are now looking into innovation and newer technologies to bring out their own team of experts  in developing physical models and 3D printing, complex geometries and digital fabrication. The designation for Model Maker has now been replaced with Digital Making Technologist which is basically proficient employees that can handle a complete set of intricate tasks pertaining to in-house rapid prototyping. Potential candidates need to acquire Management skills as well as the ability to go about using infrastructure systems.

Social Media Manager

While it seems like everyone and their pet dog is on social media, millions across the globe still don’t have access to the internet. This may not last long, as governments and companies strive to bring communications, entertainment and sports to people with an aim to influence the prospects of media and technology. A Manager of Digital Communication, in other words Social Media is coming up with strategies to distribute content through  various social media accounts as well as recognizes the best platform and innate various tasks.

Motion Graphics Designer

A motion graphics designer creates complicated graphics, animation and live video content for many sectors of media like Smartphones, handheld electronic devices, the internet and televisions. The job description of a motion graphics designer includes keynote presentations to informal meetings which bear the flexibility to be done anywhere anytime. A person with a degree in graphic design or animation will hold some beneficiary point in a job that demands excellence in after effects and cinema 4D.

3D Architectural Visualizer

New technology is now applied for architectural representation. Over the years architectural visualization has gone through rapid development to produce photorealistic renders that infuse designs with the touch of reality. Architectural Visualizers generally work with certain specified visualization agency or as part of an in-house team. They are specialized in lighting, modeling and representation or post-production that generally requires sound knowledge in specific software.

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