10 Noteworthy Features Provided by Android N for Better Device Performance

3. Enhanced Doze mode

This feature is the energy saving mode which supports to extend battery performance. Doze will work only when the phone is not in use and when the screen is turned off.  It's a part of what Google is calling Project Svelte in which Doze makes the apps to slowly lose access to features, location, notifications and such and go into a deeper sleep the longer the screen is off, but messages, emails and important notifications can still come through.

4. Android N Settings Menu

The feature provides suggestions at the top, reminding users to setup security options like a fingerprint scanner or change the wallpaper. The feature appears can be viewed by tapping on the  ‘Menu’ button at the top while in any settings menu, or swiping from the left. The Android N Settings Menu provides a hamburger menu of ALL settings which allows users to jump from one setting menu to another with a quick swipe, rather than going back and then having to search for it all over again.

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