10 Lesser-Known Social Media Features You Use Every Day

BANGALORE: Nowadays, a lot of people use social media to stay connected and share their day-to-day events to others people. Social Media Platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide various features that could enhance their usage in a simpler way. But there are some little-known features, which very few people might be aware of. Here are 9 unknown features of the social media sites, which you use every day.

Little-known Facebook Features

1) Save Links To Read Later:

Every day, people find different sorts of interesting items on Facebook, which couldn’t be explored right away.  What you can do is you can save items that you find on Facebook to check out later when you have time. In this way you will be able to save items like links, places, movies, TV and music. Also, you can only see the saved items unless you choose to share them with friends.

2) Reorganize Your Page Sections:

Lists on Facebook is a great way to organize your friends and focus on the people who matter the most and to whom you care for. To change the order of the sections that appear on the left side of your Page's Timeline, you hover over the top of any section and click than select manage sections. In the window that appears, click and drag a section to move it and click save.

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