10 Lesser Known Facts About the Internet

Worldwide WebWhich Computer Designed the ‘WWW’?

The World Wide Web, who and how was it created? Steve Job’s NeXT computer was used by Tim-Berners Lee to innovate the World Wide Web. And you’d be surprised to see how it looked like. If you think it’s as fancy as the Apple Mac Book we have today, let me tell you that it’s nothing close to that. This is how it looked like.

Network on the Everest

The internet has reached its peaks and this proves that. World’s highest peak was not reachable for human until very recently. The internet has done that faster than humans. It might have taken some centuries for human to reach the Mt. Everest but the internet reached that in its nascent stages.

There are more such surprising facts about the internet which most of us aren’t aware of as yet. Drop in such facts in the ‘comment’ box after the article.

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