How AI can Aid the Industries to Overcome their Challenges?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been empowering almost all industries. It has evolved to one of the most important technologies over the years.

Thursday, 28 November 2019, 19:55 IST

Will 5G Enter India Soon?

The government announces that the spectrum proposed for auction is sufficient to launch 5G services across the country.

Thursday, 28 November 2019, 19:54 IST

Accenture Introduces myNav, a Cloud Platform to Strengthen Enterprises Navigate the Cloud Landscape

Accenture has recently launched myNav, a cloud platform that supports organizations design and simulates different cloud solutions to recognize the...

Thursday, 28 November 2019, 19:06 IST

3 Drawbacks of Video Conferencing that Needs to be Eliminated

To have a collaborative conversation online with others, anywhere or anytime, the facility of video conferencing is very helpful, especially at a...

Thursday, 28 November 2019, 18:10 IST

Saudi IoT 2020... the most awaited event!

Saudi IoT 2020... the most awaited event!

Year on year, the standard of Saudi IoT is persistently raising the graph in every aspect of event. The multifarious elements added every time is taking the event to a newer & exceptional level.

Flipkart Introduces Virtual Salesperson- Saathi!

How Blockchain and Digital Signature Helps Businesses?

4 Ways How AI Revolutionise the Current Aviation Industry

Both business and technology grow rapidly in a neck in neck rate and companies that don’t implement technology might find it difficult to keep up the pace with the competitors