A New World With New Rules: The Hashtags
Hashtags, right now it is not a new thing in the social world. The benefits of Hashtags were commenced as a method to organize messages according...
Thursday, 06 May 2021, 20:39 IST
Drones Delivering Vaccines? Understand the Pros & Cons
Usage of drones to deliver covid vaccines seems to be an optimistic move to ensure the availability of vaccines in the state.
Tuesday, 04 May 2021, 16:34 IST
Data Science Tools that will Rule 2021: Roundup
Data Science and Data Scientist? Right now everyone is familiar with these terms. Data science is a huge spectrum with plenty of domains and each...
Thursday, 15 April 2021, 17:46 IST
AI could play key role in India's growth in agriculture
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to play a key role in relieving India's agriculture sector from its stressful input conditions,
Friday, 26 March 2021, 13:02 IST
Salesforce Reimagines Sales Cloud to Drive Growth in a Sell-From-Anywhere World
Salesforce, the global leader in CRM, today introduced the next generation of Sales Cloud ? new technology to support a digital-first selling world. Sales Cloud 360 is the complete growth platform for the new world of digital sales,
Microchip Announces Space-Qualified COTS-Based Radiation-Hardened Power Converters
As reliance on communication and weather satellites grows and space research expands in scope and mission, new technology is required to help speed spaceflight system design and production. Microchip Technology Inc.