Cypher Capital Allocates $5 Million Fund To Invest in Ocean Protocol Ecosystem Projects
Cypher Capital, a venture capital firm located in the UAE, today announced that it has set up an ecosystem fund together with Ocean Protocol...
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 17:49 IST
How can bitcoin affect the cottage sector of Thailand?
Bitcoin has the potential to affect the cottage sector of Thailand in a few ways. For one, bitcoin could help facilitate international trade and...
Wednesday, 18 May 2022, 10:42 IST
MSRvantage leverages IoT enabled traceability solutions to digitize supply chain management for businesses
MSRvantage develops an enhanced traceability system using IoT sensors combined with blockchain for the supply chain industry which requires...
Friday, 06 May 2022, 14:09 IST
Everything You Need to Know About Ripple
Ripple has a lot of history and it was in the works even before Bitcoin was launched, although not as a cryptocurrency but as a payment network....
Thursday, 21 April 2022, 10:09 IST
India's Northeast gets first Rated-4 Datacenter
The Honourable IT Minister of Assam, Shri. Keshab Mahanta today laid the foundation stone of the Rated-4 Datacenter, first major IT investment in Assam by CtrlS Datacenters ...
Global Cloud infrastructure spending to achieve $90 bn in 2022: IDC
The global cloud infrastructure spending is set to reach $90 billion in 2022 -- a 21.7 per cent growth compared to 2021, while non-cloud infrastructure is expected to decline slightly, down 0.3 per cent to $59.4 billion, according to an IDC report.