Swatch's Smartwatch To Face Off Apple Watch

Today, we expect every electric gadget to be smart, thanks to technology; the new trending gadgetry is wearables, such as wrist watch, glass and...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Facts From Personal To Business: On Eve Of Facebooks 11 Th Anniversary

Facebook is celebrating its eleventh birthday, this baby invention which changed our way of life interaction has come a long way from being a...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Mobile App To Detect Epileptic Attacks Developed

Japanese researchers have developed a system for smart phones that alerts epileptics at least 30 seconds before a seizure helping patients take...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Indian Scientists Turn Coconut Oil Into Biofuel

Indian Scientists Turn Coconut Oil Into Biofuel

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Now, A Robot To Do Your Laundry

If you find doing the laundry boring, a robot can soon come to your rescue. An Indian-origin scientist has developed an automated tool that is capable of doing laundry without any specific knowledge of what it has to wash.

Apple to Test Waters Of TV Streaming Service

Whatsapp To Alter The Face Of Business Word

Apple Taking On Google With Its Own Search Engine?

7 Must-Know WhatsApp Tricks And Tips

Tech Innovations That Will Envision Future Classrooms

Future is waiting to be swept in the wave of technological tide, the effects of technological innovations which are coming up would definitely bring a much needed change in the lifestyle of people and their approach.

A Glance At The Forthcoming App Development Trends

10 Unraveled Google Tricks Brought To Light