Top 10 Most Anticipated Games For 2015

The computer gaming started back in 1960s, since then the gaming got higher preference over usual computing ability in a computer. Each year,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

A4 Paper-Size Foldable Drone To Hit Chinese Market: Report

China's first consumer four-wing drone which has variable structure and can be folded like paper will soon be released in Beijing.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

New Smartphone App To Keep Track Of Your Lost Pet

A new app that helps dog owners reunite with their lost pet by simply uploading photographs of their pooch on smartphone has been developed.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Short-Takes from Shanghai Mobile World Congress

The following are some briefs from the Mobile World Congress featuring MyKronoz of Switzerland, Gionee Elife E8 of China, Visa of the US,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Pay In Order To Save: Indian Computers Under Newest Malware Threat

A new malware is making rounds in India checking the owners out of their private computers. Dubbed as ‘TeslaCrypt Ransomware’, this malware takes hold of the control of a computer system

Top 10 Android Apps For Watching Live TV In India

10 Best Health & Fitness Apps On Android

Facebook Can Even Help You Lose Weight: Study

94.5 Pct Chinese Use Mobile Phones

The number of Chinese mobile phone users accounted for 94.5 percent of its total population by the end of June, latest data revealed.

China Builds World's Largest Amphibious Aircraft

Top 10 Best Voice Controlled Gadgets