6 Unknown Security Tricks That Makes It Hard To Hack

Wi-Fi Protect # Protect Your Home Wi-Fi Network

If you think your Home Wi-Fi is secure out of the box, then you are wrong. There are some necessary things to be done once you have decided to set up a home Wi-Fi connection to make it non accessible to the hackers.    

Firstly, make sure that the network password is well secured such that it is not very easy to be guessed.  Then change the default settings on the router that is a default administrator password. Most if times, these passwords will be the same so changing the password soon will be great option.


Here’s something which everyone should be known about, if you are sharing any payment info online it’s always better to check if the page encrypted or not.

On the other hand if not, then it gets very easy for the hackers to interrupt the traffic. So the next time you need to do any credit card transaction check for a "locked" symbol on your browser, if you don’t see any do not go ahead with the transaction.

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