Why Apple Watch Is A Missed Opportunity

At $349 upward (with no information on how high the prices go), we're talking about a digital watch that costs way more than a good midrange smartphone.

So for someone who's not an Apple user, this watch would set her back, in India, by somewhere in the region of 70,000. That's over three very capable Moto X handsets.

So what could Apple have done? Well, if it had priced at least one version of this at $199, and allowed sync with iPad 2 and iPhone 3 upward, it would have doubled its addressable market.

And if it had further supported Android, heresy though that might sound like, it would have opened up to a market of a 100 million potential buyers in India -- and hundreds of millions others in similar, Android-dominated, markets.

Given Apple's track record, its new watch will sell, albeit mainly to Apple's existing, top-end-iPhone owners. And there will be a scramble by app developers to support it.

For the rest, I'd guess they'd watch the market -- and maybe activate features and support for other iPhone and iPad models further down. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple even had a Watch App for Android up its sleeve, in reserve.

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Source: IANS