What Smart City Mission 2.0 Brings Forward in 2020?

What Smart City Mission 2.0 Brings Forward in 2020?

The number of people residing in the cities is increasing heavily even though the world is becoming a scary place to stay for with the likes of warming planet and traffic deaths. This brought the birth of smart cities, which are heavily driven by the technologies such as sensors, AI, and other autonomous technologies.

Now, tech leaders, business leaders, others are investing heaps of money and time into develop technologies that will boost the smart cities across the globe. Sensors are really key in collecting data and the AI is required to analyze it, without these it takes ages to move a city. Just like the autonomous vehicles, smart cities will get populated in near future and it is expected that two-thirds of the global population will be residing in the smart cities. Automated vehicles can be appealing in selling the idea of smart cities to the masses.

But it is noted that, the major issue across the cities is that they lack the funding and they only have the infrastructures, which need the updating and replacing. Smart cities must provide safety along with efficiency and with the help of traffic signals and intersections, the automated mobile solutions will surely up bring the smart cities.

Another technology advancement which plays an instrumental role is 5G connectivity. However, a fully set-up 5G network won’t be expected for three to five years and the development of smart cities can be deeply affected by this. After rolling out the Smart Cities Mission, the Union government will expand the mission all 4,000 cities in India, with an aim to expand and better the housing, build better infrastructure and develop open space spaces to other. The centre is also planning to develop 100 cities and the challenges such as long term funding, less private participation and capacity building and others must be cleared out to unleash the smart cities.